- AAUI -Automobile Association of Upper India
- ADP -Automatic Data Processing
- AHLA -American Hotels & Lodging Association
- AHMA -American Hotel & Motel Association
- AIDA -Attention, Interest, Desire & Action
- AII -Air India International
- AM -Antemeridian
- APC -All Payments Cash
- ASTA -American Society of Travel Agents
- BA -British Airways
- BASIC -Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
- BTA -British Tourist Authority
- CCTV -Closed Circuit TV
- CIP -Commercially Important Person
- COBOL -Common Business Oriented Language
- CP -Continental Plan
- CPS -Characters Per Second
- CRT -Cathode Ray Tube
- CRS -Central Reservation System
- DDP -Distributed Data Processing
- DGCA -Director General of Civil Aviation
- DNA -Did Not Arrive
- DNS -Did Not Stay
- DOT -Department Of Tourism
- DP -Data Processing
- DSS -Decision Support System
- ECO -Express Check Out
- EDP -Electronic Data Processing
- EP -European Plan
- EPABX -Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange
- FERA -Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
- FF&E -Furniture, Fixture & Equipment
- FFIT -Foreign Free Independent Traveller
- FHRAI -Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Association of India
- FIT -Free Independent Traveler
- GDS -Global Distribution System
- GIT -Group Inclusive Tour
- GOI -Government Of India
- GRA -Guest Room Attendant
- GRE -Guest Relation Executive
- H&RA -Hotel & Restaurant Association
- HAI -Hotel Association of India
- **HOTEL -Home Office Tourism EntertainmentLastday
- **HOTERMAI -Hotel & Restaurant Equipment Manufacturers Association of India
- HRAWI -Hotel & Restaurant Association of Western India
- HSMA -Hotel Sales Management Association
- IAAI -International Airports Authority of India
- *IAC -Indian Airlines Corporation
- **IATA -International Air Transport Association / International Association of Tour Operation
- IATO -International Association of Tour Operation
- ICAO -International Civil Aviation Organization
- IDD -International Direct Dialing
- IDP -Integrated Data Processing
- IH&RA -International Hotel & Restaurant Association
- IHA -International Hotel Association
- ILO -International Labour Organization
- IMF -International Monetary Fund
- IR -Instant Reservation
- ISD -International Subscriber Dialing
- IUOTO -International Union of o fficial Travel Organization
- IYHF -International Youth Hostel Federation
- JAL -Japan Air Lines
- JTP -Joint Tourism Promotion
- KLM -Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij nv
- (Royal Dutch Airlines)
- LPM -Lines Per Minute
- MAP -Modified American Plan
- MAS -Malayasian Airlines System
- MCO -Miscellaneous Charge Order
- MICE -Meeting, Incentives, Convention/Conference & Exhibitions
- MIS -Manager of Information System
- MIS -Management Information System
- MLS -Minimum Length of Stay
- MOCI -Ministry Of Commerce & industries
- MOD -Manager On Duty
- NAA -National Airport Authorities
- NCR -National Cash Register
- NTA -Not To be Allotted
- OOO -Out Of Order
- PABX -Private Automatic Branch/Box Exchange
- PATA -Pacific Asia Travel Association
- PAX -Number of Persons
- PBX -Private Branch/Box Exchange
- PIA -Paid In Advance
- PIA -Pakistan International Airlines
- PMBX -Private Manual Branch/Box Exchange
- POS -Point Of Sales
- PPPN -Per Person Per Nigh
- tPRPN -Per Room Per Night
- PSO -Passengers Service Order
- RNA -Room Not Assigned
- RNAC -Royal Nepal Airlines Corporation
- ROI -Return On Investment
- RSPV -Respondez Sil Vons Plait
- (Reply if you please)
- SAS -Scandinavian Airlines System
- SATC -South Asia Travel Commission
- SITS -Special Interest Tours
- SOP -Standard Operating Procedures
- SPATT -Special Attention Guest
- STB -State Tourism Board
- STD -Standard Trunk Dialing
- SWOT -Strength Weakness Opportunities & Threats
- TAAI -Travel Agents Association of India
- TIPS -To Ensure Prompt Service
- TQM -Total Quality Management
- TWA -Trans World Airlines
- UFTAA -Universal Federation of Travel Agent Association
- UNESCO -United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization
- UNICEF -United Nations International Childrens’ Emergency Fund
- USP -Unique Sales Proposition
- VDU -Visual Display Unit
- VIP -Very Important Person
- VPO -Visitors Paid Out
- VPP -Value Payable Post
- WATA -World Association of Travel Agents
- WATS -Wide Area Telephone Services
- WHO -World Health Organization
- WIFMC -What Is In It For Me
- WTO -World Tourism Organization
- WTTC -World Travel & Tourism Council
- YHAI -Youth Hostel Association of India
- YMCA -Youth Men’s Christian Association