11 Steps For Guest Checkout Procedure – Hotels

The objective of the checkout process is to process the guest’s request for settlement of his or her account as quickly and efficiently as possible. The lodging establishment also wants to maintain a quality-control system for both the guest and the hotel: posting errors can mean erroneous charges for the guest and lost money for the lodging establishment.

The guest checkout involves the following steps:

  1. Guest requests checkout.
  2. Desk clerk inquires about quality of products and services.
  3. Guest returns key to desk clerk.
  4. Desk clerk retrieves hard copy of electronic folio.
  5. Desk clerk reviews folio for completeness.
  6. Guest reviews charges and payments.
  7. Guest determines method of payment.
  8. Guest makes payment.
  9. Desk clerk inquires about additional reservations.
  10. Desk clerk files folio and related documents for the night audit.
  11. Desk clerk communicates guest departure to housekeeping and other departments in the hotel if necessary.

First of all set your objectives and always keep them simple. Accommodate guests and maintain necessary data to provide the lodging establishment with information for the income statement. The steps outlined for guest checkout show how easy it is to establish operational procedures when you keep these goals in mind.