A menu informs guests about available dishes and the prices charged for the whole menu or a particular dish. It enables them to select dishes of their choice.
- It guides the chef regarding the requirement of staff, material and equipment to prepare the items included in the menu.
- It enables the service personnel to do mise-en-place, take the correct order, pick up and serve the correct dishes from the kitchen according to the order, and so present the correct check to the guest.
- It helps the cashier to price each item ordered by the guest and to prepare a sales summary of the outlet.
- Menus have been labelled as working documents or blue prints, by which food service operations organised their food and beverages procurement, and service.
- It helps the management to work out the cost of the food and beverage and analyse the utility of a particular menu, to predict trends and to plan future course of action for the outlet.
- It creates and promotes an image of the restaurant in many social gatherings.
- It identifies the theme of the establishment. This is especially important for restaurant that offers special cuisines.