The House Status Per Room Report displays all of your property’s rooms. This report is used to see the list of all rooms and their housekeeping status. You have the ability to filter on Occupied or Vacant Rooms or print for all rooms by selecting both check boxes.
Selection Criteria
Room Class. When the GENERAL > ROOM CLASS application function is active, multi-select list of values allows for the selection of specific room classes to display on the report.
Room Type. Multi Select LOV for filtering on specific Room Types. Only include those housekeeping statuses that have the selected Room Types.
Room Range
From Room. Select the down arrow to choose the beginning room number for the range of rooms to display in the results. When this field is left blank, then the report will start with the lowest room number for your property.
To Room. Select the down arrow to choose the ending number for the range of rooms. When the field is left blank, then the room range will end with the highest room number for your property.
Pseudo Rooms. Select the check box to include Pseudo Rooms in the report summary.
Occupied. Select to display room that are occupied in the report.
Vacant. Select to display the rooms that are vacant in the report.