Group Luggage Handling Procedure

Luggage handling procedure in case of groups’ arrival & departures
  • In case of a large group arrival, usually there are many number of luggage pieces to be carried to the guests’ room.
  • Usually each suit case has the guest name printed.
  • A copy of the rooming list is supplied by the tour operator, which contains the names of all the residents.
  • The room are allotted by the receptionist.
  • The bell boy puts the luggage tags and hotels stickers on each suit case.
  • On luggage tags the bell boy writes the room number of the guest.
  • The bell boy ensures that each suit case is delivered to the respective guests’ room as early as possible.
  • At the time of check out, the guest is requested to keep their luggage outside their room or they are picked up from their rooms and brought down to the lobby.
  • After getting the luggage pass from the cashier, the bell boy takes their luggage to the waiting cars/buses.