Procedure For Making Coffee In An Urn

  1. Be familiar with your equipment. Details differ between models.
  2. Make sure the urn has enough fresh water at the right temperature for brewing.
  3. Secure the filter in place.
  4. Evenly distribute a measured amount of coffee in the filter. For uniform extraction, an even bed is required.
  5. Pour the appropriate amount of water over the ground coffee. Pour the water slowly in a circular motion if the urn is manual. If it’s automatic, all you have to do is make sure the nozzle is properly positioned.
  6. Cover the top of the pot while brewing to keep the heat in.
  7. When the brewing is finished, remove the filter with the used grounds. Overextraction and bitterness result from leaving the grounds in the urn.
  8. Prepare the coffee. Because the coffee at the bottom is stronger, you must draw some of it out—approximately 1 gallon (4 litres) per pound (500 grammes) of coffee—and pour it back into the urn’s top.
  9. Cook for up to 1 hour at 185° to 190°F (85° to 88°C).
  10. After using the urn, thoroughly clean it.

Clean the inside of the urn, as well as the inside spigots and glass gauges, with special urn brushes. If the urn will be left for an extended period of time, rinse and refill with several gallons of fresh water. Before the next use, empty and rinse with hot water. Clean thoroughly with urn cleaning compound twice a week, following the manufacturer’s instructions.