PM Account in Opera meaning

PM Account is refereed to ‘Posting Master’ or ‘Pay Master’ dummy rooms. Such Dummy or Pseudo rooms are normally used to to post Group Related charges or Group invoice.

Other functions of PM rooms are posting miscellaneous charges for chance sales or passer by guest, interface posting charges for Credit Card, Cash settlements etc. And also moving unsettled rooms as bills on hold to the PM account etc

The posting master reservation is created upon creation and entering of the rooming list and contains default values for virtually all fields on the Reservation screen. All individual guest reservations for the room block inherit these default values from the posting master reservation.

If there are group billing requirements, you will need to check in the posting master reservation into a room (normally into a room number which belongs to a posting master room type). Then, route the billing from the group members to the group’s posting master reservation. For this reason, the posting master reservation is referred to as a posting master or pay master.